visual artist & writer
b. 1994, Dublin, Ireland
living & working in Den Haag, NL

for writing and editing enquiries please contact

Cara is particularly curious about complex ways the body is involved in and influenced by intimate conversations, collaborations, and exchanges, both with other people and ou environments. While often overlooked, these exchanges have a big impact on who we are as people and have wide reaching influence on our work, our professional lives, our political views and how we interact with the world at large. Small scale collaboration, often within her own close relationships, often forms the foundation of her research. Through performance, writing drawing, sound and textiles; she makes the exchanges and processes by which we interact with those we love, tangible.

Cara has a BA in Fine Art Print from NCAD Dublin and completed a MA in Fine Art at the HKU, Utrecht in 2021. Her writing has been included in in publications by Bloomers Art, Metropolis M, Mutual Support Platform and Simulacrum Magazine.


Contact: ︎ ︎
